This "lab" page is the place where I drop my various experiments. 
▲ BIG TV ▲ 
Procedural and audio reactive glitch on 2m x 3.50m LED screen.
▲ CANVAZZZ ▲ // 21x30cm

Hand-embroidered from a pattern printed on blank canvas.
Illustration elaborated from old embroidery patterns found in "grandmother's" catalogs. This visual is the result of the use of different old floral embroidery images displaced / glitched relative to each other according to a digital process generated by @touchdesigner
The embroidery work was very patiently and carefully done by Estelle porion
Realtime projection synchronised with laser experiments :
▲ INTERN333T ▲
Program that randomly pick a video on Youtube and re-interpret it in a geometric way to synchronise with music.
Generative and audio reactive real-time geometry and glitch using a Kinect and myself.
The rest is made with @touchdesigner
Audio generative geometry projection on wall and green color paper in frame.
Audio generative montage based on video sequences I made for my coming next film FACTOR V.
Generative and audio reactive random geometry animation I created for live AV sessions.
Procedural 3D generative geometry projection on wall and color papers in frames.
Generative and audio reactive real-time poster generator.
▲ SLACKs ▲ // Audio generative installation preview.
Experimental and procedural self portraits generated with a webcam.
B3AT // ident experiments
ZeCity is the first audio reactive clip I made with TouchDesigner. 
Music by José Person.
3D scan portraits
Geometry & Colors 3D displace
Geometry & Colors abstract typography
Geometry & Colors spline distortion
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